RINCO Ultrasonics – workstation with automatic drawer
Techspan reports on the new Rinco Ultrasonics workstation – with Sound enclosure and Automatic Draw
- Massive reduction of noise level produced by the machine and the work piece
- The operator doesn‘t need an additional hearing protection
- Closing speed of drawer is adjustable
- Ergonomic drawer which is lowering itself after opening
- Can be integrated very well into an existing production due its very narrow design
- The entire welding process runs automatically. It can be started by pushing a button. During the welding process the
user finds time to perform another activity such as operating a second Workstation or preparing the next part - Ergonomic workplace due to height adjustability (feet)
- CE conform
- Key switch to close and lock the drawer
- Easy placement of the work piece into the drawer, also possible with a robot arm and pick and place systems
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- Optional Film Protection Assembly