Dyna Purge Purging Compounds

Dyna-Purge purging compounds outperform competitors

In today’s competitive global market can your company afford not to take advantage of the huge benefits commercial purging compounds can deliver ?
Plastic processors need every advantage they can get — and Dyna-Purge delivers !


How long does it take to complete a colour/material changeover? 
If your team spends hours every week, look to Dyna-Purge to solve your problem.
What is your plastic scrap rate?
No doubt, it is targeted for improvement.
Stop wasting production time and resin, let us show you how.
What does downtime really cost?
For most companies this lost opportunity can never be recovered!
Dyna-Purge can get you up and running faster.
Can you afford to lose a customer?
Quality and service are everything in today’s market place. Dyna-Purge can help you deliver !
Mould Temp Controller Multi Temp 120

New Mould Temperature Controllers Multi Temp

Mould-Temp-Controller-Multi-Temp-120-SsteelTechspan Group reports on Boe Therm Denmark’s new “Multi-Temp Green Line” Mould Temperature Controllers –

The new Multi Temp Green Line, was invented in cooperation with a supplier and customers requirements –  Grundfos Pumps (as a supplier) and Volkswagen (as a customer).
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Eco Driver

ENGEL new “ecodrive R” – new retrofit

“ecodrive R” makes older injection moulding machines cost-effective again

Techspan Group reports on ENGELs new Retrofit “ecodrive R” for Energy efficiency – Schwertberg, Austria – January 2014

Rising energy prices and the demand for more sustainability often make manufacturing systems that have been used for many years seem even older. ENGEL’s new retrofit solution ecodriveR is reasonably priced, can be fitted with little hassle and reduces the energy required by existing hydraulic injection moulding machines by up to 50 %, increasing their cost-effectiveness significantly as a result.

ENGEL has been a leading developer of energy-efficient drive concepts for many years now. ENGEL set a new energy efficiency benchmark for all injection moulding machines, including hydraulic models, when it launched its servo-hydraulic system, ecodrive, in 2008. Consisting of a servomotor and a fixed displacement pump, this drive solution saves lost energy among other things. Without an energy saving option, lost energy builds up when a machine is idle and traditionally accounts for a large proportion of its total energy consumption.
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